Thoughts and examples on working in watercolor for the beginner.
Watercolor is a complex medium – one with many aspects and elements to it. Glazing is just one aspect. Glazing is the application of a layer of color over one that has already dried. Developing skill in glazing lets you in on the secret of luminous color that is a major characteristic of watercolor.
Three of the giants in watercolor in the 20th century, Rex Brandt, Millard Sheets and Ed Whitney will share with you some of their most important lessons. Caroline had the good fortune to study with all three and has been teaching their principles for the last thirty years. She has distilled some of their most important concepts for this course.
Watercolor is fun! You have been trying it on your own, or taken a few classes. You have been working with suggestions in books and even tried some U-tube lessons but you don’t feel “in control. ” When will confidence come? This weekend workshop is designed to help you take charge of the sequences by which you create paintings.
Orcas Island, plein air watercolor sketching
This is the week to get outside to draw and paint. Learn the techniques for quick interpretations when you are traveling as well as for a slow and steady progress in seeing and recording the world around you. The summer is starting to slip away. When you take the time to stop and look and draw you lock it away — to be brought out and savored whenever you choose.
We will be outside – 6 or more feet apart and the class limited to 5. Contact me directly for a space – or 360 298 2641
Drawing is about self-discovery. It is about tuning in and tuning out. The week will be as much about learning how to shut out the world and allow yourself to tap into your artist self as it trying different ways to draw. With a “Yes I can!” attitude, anyone can learn to draw.
Confused by terms like staining, sedimentary, granulating, etc? Not know when you should use one kind of pigment rather than another? This two-day workshop not only explains the differences in kinds of pigments but shows you how and when to use them for maximum effectiveness.
Learn how to fill your paintings with sunshine. There are important rules you need to apply – and seeing is believing.
What drew you to watercolors? When I wasn’t sure which media I wanted to pursue, I started noticing how time and again I was drawn to the watercolors in any exhibit. By comparison, the oils left me cold. The luminosity of watercolor captured me. Watercolor are luminous or can glow because the lights of the painting come through the colors from the white paper. The colors glow like stain glass windows.
In the last post, we only scratched the surface of working with the white of the paper in watercolor. Do do this you need to plan the shapes or paths of your values ahead of time.
Let’s explore some more techniques for learning to see the shapes of the lights, the mid-tones and the darks with which you design you paintings.