These are some great lodging links, list by location, starting with Anacortes. See additional discussion under specific courses.
Ship Harbor Inn, Anacortes
Near the ferries. Nice water views.
Islands Inn, Anacortes
Good value; where my husband and I usually stayed coming from the Islands. Pets allowed in some rooms.
Edmonds Harbor Inn, Edmonds, WA
Where those taking the ArtWorks series usually stay.
On the water, directly below the Olga Post Office and just a few 100 yards to the Community Club. Highly recommended by other students. Call Carol Jo Enge, 360-376-2845. Olga
Smuggler’s Villa Resort
Delightful condos; better for fall workshops as can be noisy (all in good fun) in the summer. Excellent for families. Eastsound.
Bayside Cottages. Orcas
Near Olga, quiet cottages. Excellent. Own private beach. Perfect for kayakers. Family members have lots to enjoy while you are painting.
Olga Beach House
Sleeps up to 6; 4 beds. One mile from the Olga Community Center,. On the waterfront. 501 E J Young Rd Olga, WA 98279
(360) 393-9661
Check out Cheri Lindstrom for renting houses or airbnb’s
marina at Lieber Haven
Lieber Haven Resort. Orcas
Older cabins on the water at Obstruction Pass at a small family marina. Great for kayaking, relaxing on your own deck 20 feet from the beach. “Studio” not recommended.
Doe Bay Resort
from camping, to cabins. Very relaxed. Eastside near Olga. Highly recommended
Cascade Harbor Inn, Orcas eastside
recommended by students
Inn at Ship’s Bay. Orcas Island
near Eastsound
Orcas Hotel
Right at the ferry landing on Orcas. Charming historic hotel. 888-672-2792.
Cabins on the Point,Orcas Island
Orcas Island; romantic get-away cabins on Westsound. 360-376-4114.
Kangaroo House. Orcas
B&B in Eastsound. Highly recommended. Some problem with getting breakfast before class starts.
West Beach Resort, Orcas, west side
casual; cabins, hook-ups, fishing; highly recommended.
Orcas Lodging list
Listing of many delightful places on Orcas, many reasonably priced.
Ship Harbor Inn, Anacortes
Near the ferries. Nice water views.
Islands Inn, Anacortes
Excellent breakfast; good value; where my husband and I usually stay. A very nice served breakfast. Pets allowed in some rooms.
Edmonds Harbor Inn, Edmonds, WA
Where those taking the ArtWorks series usually stay.